A recent blog post on the health information website, Mercola.com raised a significant issue that is being swept under the rug in the United States. Silver fillings that have been the standard for filling cavities for decades contain at least 50% mercury. According to the website starting July 1, 2018, mercury amalgam in fillings will be banned in all of Europe for anyone under age 15 and all pregnant and nursing mothers.
When this issue was exposed several years ago, we proactively began a process of changing our treatments and procedures to pay careful attention to this issue. We added mercury separators in our suction and sewage lines so that any mercury was captured and properly disposed of to protect our environment. We became certified to carefully remove mercury fillings so that the large amounts that are released during removal are captured. We took steps to protect ourselves and our patients from any kind of mercury toxicity so that we avoid any long term health risks.
Mercury is an incredibly powerful neurotoxin. It doesn’t take much to cause damage because it is such a potent poison. If you were to take the amount of mercury that is a small thermometer and put it in a lake, the lake would be closed due to the environmental hazard.
Yet, every day, small amounts of mercury are placed in people’s mouths in the form of “silver fillings”. Dental amalgam is made up of more than 50% mercury. Therefore, they should really be called “mercury fillings.” A single mercury amalgam fillings can release as much as 15 micrograms of mercury per day. To put that into perspective, mercury tainted seafood can expose you to 2 – 2.5 micrograms per day. In other words, a single fillings releases 7-8 times the amount of mercury that has been warned about with seafood.
Every time that you chew, drink, or brush on a mercury filling, neurotoxic vapor is released into your body. It will fan the flames of inflammation, a key factor in most chronic diseases. You may be more vulnerable to the toxic effects of mercury if your immune system is in any way compromised or if you are exposed to other toxins.
General symptoms of mercury poisoning can include:
- Vision, speech, or hearing impairments
- Muscle twitching and / or tremors
- High blood pressure
- Headaches
- Weakness
- Itching or burning
- Elevated heart rate
- Mood swings, nervousness, anxiety, or irritability
- Insomnia
Dental offices are one of the largest sources of mercury in the public wastewater system. As mercury fillings are removed, typically without any protection for the dentist, the assistant or the patient, it is suctioned away into the sanitary sewer system.
As we work with each individual person, helping them to be as healthy as they want to be, biology plays a significant in what we decide is best for each person. Anything that we can do to build and restore the overall health of each person is our goal. Every decision is made around helping you make the best decisions for yourself that are in your own best self-interests.
Our motto is Oral Fitness for Life and being aware of these hazards will help you make better decisions for your long term health.